

【対象者】ジャーナル投稿を視野に英語論文執筆中の大学院生からベテラン研究者まで (理系・文系を問わず活用できます)






英語圏のトップ研究者(Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, etc.)も







リンクサイエンス にて10年以上に渡り代表兼マネージング・エディターとして英語論文校閲サービスを提供させて頂いた中で1037件以上のジャーナル採択を達成した実績 に基づき、ジャーナルに採択される英語論文の特徴を基に書いたプロンプトです。



AIツール活用に伴う倫理的考慮点や主要ジャーナル出版社(例:Elsevier, Wiley Springer Natureなど)のAI規定の解説も網羅しています。



九州大学病院  講師A氏


岡山大学理学部  助教B氏


筑波大学ビジネスサイエンス系  教授  C氏


Enhance the Quality and Speed of Manuscript Preparation
for Journal Submission

The AI Tool Application Guide for Researchers

Target Audience: Graduate students to veteran researchers from all fields,
currently preparing a manuscript for journal publication in English.

Lessons: A total of 18 lessons

AI Tools: A total of 16 types. Some are completely free, others are paid, but all tools can be used for free of charge at least during the initial trial period.

Format: This comprehensive guide is presented in a downloadable 776-page PDF file, derived from detailed PowerPoint slides. It's uniquely available in a bilingual Japanese and English format, catering to a diverse audience.

Added Benefit: As you delve into mastering AI tools, you'll also have the unique opportunity to enhance your language skills by engaging with the content in both Japanese and English.

Expected Outcomes After Completion: You will master the use of 16 AI tools to improve the quality and speed of manuscript preparation, thereby increasing the likelihood of your paper being accepted to international journals in the AI era which has just begun.

Selected tools only highly regarded by top researchers (e.g., Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, etc.)in English speaking countries

Using this guide is the shortest path to mastering the AI skills needed for writing high-quality papers in English that will be accepted by journals in the AI era.

★ Save Time with 16 Superior AI Tools ★

AI tools enhance every step of the process, from the most time-consuming tasks like selecting citations, summarizing points of key literature, writing and integrating information to creating literature reviews.